Examining the transportation systems and technologies of the present day can help us improve them for the future.
Today you will explore the structure and function of a helicopter and then use the Engineering Design Process to design a more efficient prototype.
Helicopters work based on changes in air pressure that result in a force called lift. As the blades or rotors spin they create lift, which allows the helicopter to rise into the air. In addition to rotors on the top, helicopters also have a rotor in the back. The rear rotor can face different directions, allowing the helicopter to move forward, backward, and sideways.
Step 1: Make your paper helicopter using this template.
Step 2: Now it’s time to test! With parental permission, stand on a chair and drop your paper helicopter. Pay attention to how it spins. You can also try tossing it into the air from a standing position.
Step 3: Now you will change one variable - weight. A variable is one element in an experiment that is changed. Add weight to your helicopter by attaching more paper clips. What happens to the speed when you add more weight? How much weight does it need before it no longer spins?
Step 4: Try changing another variable. You can change the shape or length of the rotors. Or you could fold it a different way. You can use the extra templates to compare your designs.
Step 5: Ask a family member to share a picture or video of your paper helicopter on social media using #MakerMondaySTEMx!
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The experts at the Toyota Research Institute (TRI) in Ann Arbor, MI are exploring the future of mobility. TRI is using artificial intelligence and machine learning to bring safety, convenience, and comfort to our lives through automated vehicles and robotics.
Today you will learn about the differences between artificial intelligence and machine learning. You will get to try teaching a machine on your own!
Step 1: Watch the Cars of the Future: AI and Automated Vehicles Virtual Field Trip. As you listen, think about how cars might change by the time you are ready to get your driver's license. Make notes in your Da Vinci Notebook.
Step 2: Visit this machine learning website. Scroll down to “How Do I Use it?” and watch the three short tutorials. Then gather you samples and train your model!
Step 3: Did the machine actually learn? Jot down your ideas in your Da Vinci Notebook. You may need to consider the number of images you recorded for each command, the camera angles, and the changes in movement and sound.
Step 4: Try training a different model. If you used images the first time, you could try it again with sound or body positions.
Step 5: Ask a family member to share one of your teachable machines on social media using #WonderWednesdaySTEMx!
Additional Resources:
Careers in transportation and logistics are all about moving things, storing things and supplying things. These things can be people, animals, goods or services. Without transportation and logistics we wouldn’t be able to get to work in the morning, fly away for a holiday, or get what we need from the store. These jobs will become even more important as we move into the future of transportation and mobility!
Step 1: Visit the Career One Stop website and click on “Transportation and Logistics”.
Step 2: Explore the career videos and choose 3 that you are the most interested in. While you watch, take notes in your Da Vinci notebook about what excites you about each career.
Step 3: Read this Kiddle article to learn more about the field of logistics and how it can be a great field for students that like to analyze problems and find creative solutions.
Step 4: Watch this video about Uber Air, a potential future system for travel. In your Da Vinci notebook, write down as many careers as you can think of that would be involved with the launching of this new product idea.
Step 5: Ask a family member to share something you learned about careers in transportation using #FutureFridayTN and #LearningInPlaceTN!
Additional Resources:
Educators and parents can access our STEAM hub for weekly lessons and resources.
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