
STEMx Members


The STEMx™ network is a multi-state STEM network that provides an accessible platform to share, analyze and disseminate quality STEM education tools to transform education, expand the number of STEM teachers, increase student achievement in STEM and grow tomorrow’s innovators.

The network is composed of leading STEM organizations across the nation.

37 States

50 Organizations

State Organization Name Website
AL Alabama STEM Council Learn More
AZ SciTech Institute Learn More
AR State of Arkansas (DOE) Learn More
AR Arkansas STEM Coalition Learn More
CA California STEM Network Learn More
CO National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Learn More
CO National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) Learn More
CT CMT Education Consulting Learn More
DE Delaware Foundation for Science and Mathematics Education Learn More
DC Carnegie Academy for Science Education Learn More
FL STEM2 Hub Learn More
ID Idaho STEM Ecosystem Learn More
ID Idaho National Lab Learn More
ID Idaho STEM Action Center Learn More
IL Illinois Science and Technology Coalition Learn More
IN Indiana STEM Ecosystem Learn More
IA Iowa Governors STEM Advisory Council Learn More
KY Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation Learn More
LA Louisiana Department of Education Learn More
LA Louisiana Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Advisory Council (LASTEM) Learn More
MD Maryland Business Roundtable for Education Learn More
MI MiSTEM Network Learn More
MN SciMathMN Learn More
MT Science Math Resource Center Learn More
MT Montana STEM Ecosystem Learn More
NV Nevada Governor's Office of Science, Innovation and Technology Learn More
NJ New Jersey STEM Ecosystem Learn More
NM Los Alamos National Lab Learn More
NM Los Alamos National Lab Foundation Learn More
NY Brookhaven National Lab Learn More
NY Empire State STEM Learning Network Learn More
NC NC Science, Math, & Technology Education Center Learn More
OH Ohio STEM Learning Network Learn More
OH PAST Foundation Learn More
OK Oklahoma Department of Education Learn More
OR Oregon Dept. of Education/Chief Education Office Learn More
OR Oregon STEM Learn More
RI Rhode Island Department of Education Learn More
SC SC Coalition for Math and Science Learn More
SC Savannah River Learn More
TN Tennessee STEM Innovation Network Learn More
TN ORNL (TN) Learn More
TX Educate Texas Learn More
UT STEM Action Center, Utah Learn More
VA VA STEM Education Advisory Board Learn More
VA Virginia Department of Education Learn More
WI STEM Forward Learn More
WA PNNL (WA) Learn More
WV WVU Center for Excellence in STEM Learn More
WV West Virginia Department of Education Learn More
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