Q: You are working with STEMx on a training series on pre-apprenticeship programs for schools. What is a pre-apprenticeship program?
A: The U.S. Department of Labor defines pre-apprenticeship as a program or set of strategies designed to prepare individuals for entry into Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAP) or other job opportunities.
Youth pre-apprenticeships combine academic and technical classroom instruction with work experience that is directly linked with a RAP. Youth pre-apprenticeships may start any time during high school, but work-based learning experiences for youth may not begin before the youth turns 16.
Pre-apprenticeship programs have varied program elements; however, at the core, they place an individual on a pathway to employability through a RAP. Traditionally, apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships have been in construction and trades.
However, in the past several years, the Labor Department has been working closely with multiple industries to expand RAPs and registered pre-apprenticeship programs. Currently, apprenticeship spans more than 1,000 occupations including careers in health care, cybersecurity, information technology and energy.
Apprenticeship training is distinguished from other types of workplace training by several factors, including paid work experience, classroom instruction, mentorship and a portable, nationally recognized credential. Youth who complete a registered pre-apprenticeship receive a pre-apprenticeship certificate of completion that can be used as a demonstration of their competency.
Completion of a pre-apprenticeship does not require a person to enter a RAP, nor does it guarantee a position in a RAP. But it does provide a young person with a “leg up” as they matriculate to work or other post-secondary education or training.
Q: What characteristics make up a good pre-apprenticeship program?
According to the Labor Department, a quality pre-apprenticeship program provides:
- Training and curriculum based on industry standards, approved by an apprenticeship sponsor.
- Strategies that increase apprenticeship opportunities for disadvantaged individuals.
- Access to support services that help participants remain in the program.
- Collaboration with program sponsors to promote apprenticeship to other employers.
- Hands-on experience that simulates work performed in an apprenticeship with proper supervision and safety protocols.
- Formal agreements with apprenticeship sponsors for entry into registered apprenticeships (when possible).
As long as a registered pre-apprenticeship program complies with these requirements, it has tremendous flexibility in the depth and breadth of program experiences. This flexibility enables school and industry partners to create and personalize academic and work-based learning experiences to meet their region, industry and school needs.
Q: Are certain groups of students targeted for such a program?
A: While many Ohio high schools are interested in pre-apprenticeship programs to help students meet Ohio’s new career readiness competency alternative for graduation, pre-apprenticeship programs can and should be made available to any interested student.
Q: How do such programs differ from early college credit experiences?
A: Pre-apprenticeship programs generally do not include or require a student to complete college credit. That said, some registered pre-apprenticeship programs may include college level coursework that is relevant to the career field.
For example, if a two-year college or adult career center offers a college level course that prepares a student to successfully earn the Comp TIA IT Fundamentals + certification, then a student in an information technology focused pre-apprenticeship might be able to complete that certification and earn college credit or articulated college credit.
Q: What impacts do pre-apprenticeship programs have on students and the workplace?
A: Quality pre-apprenticeship programs are a starting point toward a successful career path for underrepresented job seekers (such as disadvantaged women and men, individuals with disabilities and others) who might not be aware of this approach to obtain good jobs with opportunities for advancement.
Pre-apprenticeships help individuals meet the entry requirements for apprenticeship programs and ensure they are prepared to be successful in their apprenticeship.
A wide variety of pre-apprenticeship programs serve a broad range of populations. Some programs focus on serving a specific target population, such as military veterans, while many pre-apprenticeship programs focus on youth. (https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/ETA/apprenticeship/pdfs/pre_apprenticeship_guideforwomen.pdf page 3)
Q: What advice would you give a school administrator who wants to start a pre-apprenticeship program?
A: Each state has an office that manages the state’s pre-apprenticeship program. Contact that office and schedule a meeting to learn more about the state’s specific requirements.
Join EnvisionEdPlus for one of our upcoming training sessions. Visit the
EnvisionEdPlus Eventbrite Page for registration information.
- STEMx Hosts: A National Look at Promising Pre-Apprenticeship Practices (live virtual; Wednesday, April 27, 3-4 p.m. EDT). Free.
- Pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships can be an attractive pathway to well-paying careers in skilled trades as well as health care, information technology and many more industry fields. This session is a national BYOP (bring your own partner) event where together you will learn about successful practices and models for pre-apprenticeships used across the nation.
- EnvisionEdPlus: District Sponsored Pre-Apprenticeship Design Lab (live virtual; Wednesday, June 8, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. EDT). Free.
- Did you know, districts and education service centers can be apprenticeship sponsors? As part of their statewide outreach plan for a RemotEDx grant, EnvisionEdPlus and Battelle’s STEMx national network will showcase how five Ohio districts have become state approved apprenticeship sponsors and designed personalized and flexible pre-apprenticeship programs to address critical staffing needs in their organizations. Meet the practitioners, discover their stories and reflect on how their lessons learned. Begin to create your own district sponsored pre-apprenticeship to apprenticeship program in your community.
- EnvisionEdPlus: LaunchPad Summer Institute (Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 9-10, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. each day)
- In person at the Lodge at Geneva-on-the-Lake in Geneva, Ohio.
- Early Bird Registration of $750 per team of three to five ends May 31. (Regular registration fee is $900 per team.)
- Join EnvisionEdPlus for a two-day LaunchPad immersive learning experience that will prepare high school teams to launch high quality career-college pathways including pre-apprentice to apprenticeship programs. Learn from and collaborate with like-minded education leaders as you envision, brainstorm and begin planning strategies to expand opportunities for your high school students. Youth will begin to see relevance in their learning; be exposed to practical, real-world work-based learning; and even begin to define their futures. Day 1 will focus on partnerships, plans and models. Day 2 will focus on brainstorming how Ohio’s flexibility options, work-based learning and “doable” credentials can enhance pre-apprenticeship experiences. Teams will meet one-on-one and in small groups with practicing schools and experts who will inspire innovation. Teams will also have time to work on their local plans.
Contact me at EnvisionEdPlus for more information or to learn how we can support your organization starting a youth pre-apprenticeship program.