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Webinar: Students train as entrepreneurs to honor the legacy of astronaut Pete Conrad

August 17, 2018

September 12, 2018: 4-5 p.m. (EST)  Register

To honor astronaut Pete Conrad, Nancy Conrad created a special yearly event open to students across the world. In September, Wes Hall will chat with Nancy about the program’s scope, impact, and how your students can get involved.

The Conrad Challenge brings science and technology studies to life in a student-driven, project-based approach. The annual competition gives teams of 2-5 students, between the ages of 13-18, the chance to become entrepreneurs and apply innovation, science and technology to solve problems with global impact. Guided by teachers and industry experts, the competition becomes a master class in collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and communication. The result – students with the 21st century skills needed to thrive in the workforce and new innovations that have the potential to change life for the better at the individual, national and global level. The 2018-2019 Conrad Challenge launches August 24 with it’s investor pitch deadline on Friday, November 2, 2018. Student teams from around the globe are invited to participate in one or more of the traditional Challenge categories: Aerospace & Aviation, Cyber-Technology & Security, Energy & Environment, and Health & Nutrition. In addition, the Challenge is hosting two special categories this year in partnership with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World and SMART Technologies. For more information on the Challenge, visit


Nancy Conrad
Founder & Chairman of the Conrad Foundation

Nancy Conrad created the Conrad Foundation in 2008 to energize and engage students in STEM through unique entrepreneurial opportunities. The organization’s flagship program, the Conrad Challenge, is a global competition challenging teams of high school students to combine education, innovation and entrepreneurship to create products or services to solve global challenges in sustainability.

Ms. Conrad has been a featured speaker at national and international conferences. Among her presentations are TED, MIT the Global Competiveness Forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and the Global Diversity Leadership Conference at Harvard University. As a leader in transformative education, she has testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space and Technology detailing how the Conrad Foundation exemplifies the use of partnership and mentorship to improve STEM education. She has been named one of the top 100 leaders in STEM Education.

Register to attend

Register with Webex  here.

About these webinars

We organize these events to enable STEM organizations to learn from each other. Past webinars have covered STEM school design, teacher training, and engaging industry in STEM partnerships. This service is offered thanks to your state’s membership in the national STEMx network.

STEMx members are encouraged to forward this invitation to others in their state who would find the information useful.

You can sign up to hear about our webinars along with our weekly blog posts here:


By Rob Evans November 1, 2023
by Heather Sherman, Director of STEMx The 2023 STEM Innovation Forum: Activating Collaborations to Advance an Inclusive STEM Workforce was a success! Through our collaboration with STEMconnector and Million Women Mentors, we convened 160 leaders from industry, government, non-profit organizations, and education institutions from all over the United States to discuss strategies and best practices to support the STEM workforce. We were honored to host a variety of dynamic speakers including: Jared Polis, Governor of Colorado Brynt Parmeter, Chief Talent Management Officer, U.S. Department of Defense Dr. Athina Kanioura, Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer, PepsiCo and Dr. Lisa Hinkelman, Founder and CEO of Ruling Our eXperiences (RoX). We extend our gratitude to our panelists, Learning Session speakers, and participants who joined us in Denver. Broadening participation We set out share information on trends in STEM education and workforce development, with an emphasis on broadening participation in STEM careers. Resources from sessions highlighting strategies for broadening participation are linked below: DoD STEM: Developing a STEM Workforce to Support the National Security Mission Priming the Pump for High Demand STEM Careers STEM Workforce Readiness for Teen Girls: “If She Can See It, She Can Be It” Driving change Another goal of the forum was to feature high impact strategies, programs and solutions that are driving change, and STEMx members from LASTEM , the PAST Foundation and MBRT showed how they are engaging youth and building career awareness through their workforce programs. Emerging technologies We looked towards the future to better understand how emerging technologies will change the world and the ways we must prepare STEM talent for jobs in logistics, artificial intelligence, research safety , bioenergy , and renewable technologies. Chevron‘s sponsored panel, “Cultivating the Talent to Drive the Innovation and Technologies for Ever-Cleaner Energy” was a rich discussion featuring experts from Chevron, Project Lead the Way and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Dr. Jamie Vernon, Executive Director, and CEO, Sigma Xi Society was a fantastic moderator for this discussion. Next steps We have linked event resources including videos, slide decks and collateral on the event landing page . The event photo gallery is located there as well. If you attended, please complete our 30 second event survey . Five lucky winners will be selected at random to receive a Forum water bottle! More importantly, your feedback matters to us. If you did not attend, mark your calendar for next fall - we’re looking to make next year even bigger! If you are interested in hosting in your state, or have thoughts about compelling content that we should include, please reach out to Heather Sherman .
By Rob Evans October 3, 2023
Join us for The STEM Innovation Forum: Activating Collaborations to Advance an Inclusive STEM Workforce
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